Directed by Adrián Orr (Q&A with director in person!)
2017, 72 min, digital. In Spanish with English subtitles.
David, aka “Niñato,” a young, unemployed single father and occasional rapper, lives with his parents, his child, his sister, and his niece. In the midst of this rather peculiar family life, he tries to preserve a few minutes for himself and his passion for rhyme and music. David’s dedication to keeping his dream alive reinforces his concern with the education of the children, especially the youngest, Oro. Little by little, Oro’s growing confidence and his father’s passion seem to reinforce each other in mutual harmony, and we sense that David has succeeded in passing on what Oro needs to find his own way in life.
Preceded by: ALIENS - Luis López Carrasco, 2017, 23 min, digital. In Spanish with English subtitles.