Clara López Menéndez is an art worker practicing in the fields of curating, pedagogy, art criticism, and performance. Among her recent projects are AK Burns’s solo exhibition A Smeary Spot at Human Resources LA and the critical evening series It was quite a fiction, organized with Suzy Halajian. She is currently working with collaborator Andrew Kachel on the third chapter of the ongoing project A New Job to Unwork At, to be presented at Participant Inc. in NYC in August 2018. Her writing has appeared in Mousse, Art News, Bomb, Little Joe, and she has worked with Redcat, Participant Inc., Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions and die neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst among others.
Followed by the screening of OCAÑA, AN INTERMITTENT PORTRAIT by Ventura Pons
1978, 85min, digital. In Spanish with English subtitles.
The confession, sincere and shamelessly, of the painter’s life Ocaña and the reconstruction of his world, his provocations, and his experiences. Ocaña, with joy and from his creative marginalization challenges: cross-dressing as a provocation, religion and fetishism, repression of machismo, lawlessness, homosexuality … A marginal life that was hidden under the Franco dictatorship is openly displayed against the backdrop of a unique artist. A legendary and cult film.
This event is FREE.